Oh well my darlings, I know you don't
really come here just for nice pics from the archipelago... So I give you this - another retro inspired hairdo tutorial:

This hairdo is easy, when you're used to twirl/pincurl your hair you can do it within five minutes. I'm not that specific with how I place my rolls, so I get it done fast, If I pay more attention to how i roll my hair it will of course take longer time.
This time I've rolled it into four rolls. I've pulled my fringe back to the side with a comb, this do works as well with or without finrge.
This hairdo is great for a bad hair day when your hair is
a) too clean; fly and won't stay in place. Then I roll it up in about six rolls. Done like this in the morning and opened in the evening it gives a beautiful wavy hair.
b) dirty (like mine is now in these pics, sorry for that :)
1) First, take a section of your hair and picurl it, by rolling it around your finger and start rolling it towards the roots. Roll it quite tight since it will loose itself up a bit anyway when you fasten it. For a closer look, check out
Super Kawaii Mama for example. She shows how she rolls her hair in the front in a quite easy-to-see video-tutorial.

2) The roll should look should look like this when you're halfways.

3) When you've rolled the hairsling all the way to your head, you twist the roll inwards and fasten it with bobbypins inside the roll. It took me some time to find the best way to fasten the roll so that the pin doesn't show too much and so the roll stays in place - I stick one down and one to the side in the middle of the curl. I usually have to stick about three pins into each roll. This is a bit tricky in the beginning but you'll get there!

4) Then, take another section of your hair and to the same with it.

5) ..and with the same of the rest of your hair. Stick in some extra pins wherever the hair feels too lose and if you have some loose slings of hair, tuck them in between and under the rolls.

Since I didn't pay that much attention to how I placed my rolls and since my hair was dirty I got myself a "bold spot" on one side. But no worries, I fix it by sticking a comb with flowers on it there. Otherwise I would've just rolled one of the curls again...

This really is very easy and turns out rather nice!

You can also make this if yo have short hair, mine is actually close to being too long. It should work with hair even a bit shorter than shoulder-lenght, but then you'll need to roll it into about six rolls I'd guess, since fewer rolls need longer hair to stay togehter.
Oh and you can always send me some pics if you make any of my do's you know :)
(And not to forget - I know some of you have asked me for a make-up tutorial too and I promise I will make one soon ok! But don't be dissapointed then - my daily makeup is really not anything of the extrordinary; eyeliner, lipstick and mascara...)