It's is inspired by this kind of a 1940's do:

(I actually found this picture in the web after making the tutorial so it's not exactly the same, but similar. Didn't think of parting the hair and crossing the two parts over each other before the roll like in the picture. Maybe worth a try.)
So, for this do you'll need bobbypins and a hair rat/bun/roll.
First, make two small victory rolls on each side of the head (I have combed my bang to one side, but this do will of course work fine with curled bangs too). Take the hair from the top of your head on and roll it in the same way as in my previous tutorial. Fasten the roll with bobbypins. You can also just puff your hair by using combs aswell.

I make the roll quite flat but you can also roll it higher by placing it more on the top of your head.

Then roll the other side. If you have your bang down you should part the hair in the middle and make the rolls as high and big on each side (since my hair is parted to one side now one roll is smaller and the other bigger). I have twisted my bang up towards the roll and secured it with bobbypins.

Now for the rest of the hair - grab the bun roll and place it at the end of your hair, and start rolling the hair around it upwards, towards your head. Make sure that the bun is all covered and not showing from anywhere. You might have to roll the hair a couple of times to get it right.

Fasten it with as many pins as it takes in order for it to feel like it will stay. Stick the pins in from the top and press down.. The edges of the hair-roll may feel a bit loose and fluffy. You need to twist them slightly inwards and tuck the looser hair into the roll - stick a bobbypin in the hair horistontally, twist in upwards and then down into the bun to get the hair tight.

Add a flower or stomehing else pretty and you're done!

This will also work for short hair. With the rat-roll-bun thing you can rather easily make a do that will give the image of longer locks.

I've tried this on Ina who has rather short hair. Her hair is longer in the front and shorter in the back, on the edge of being too short actually. I could make the roll but it wouldn't stay in place propably. I'd say your hair should go 1,5 times around the bun for it to work. Mine again goes about five times around it which almost is too much, since the roll gets rather heavy.
So, start rolling!
(And yes, the long-promised makeup thing will come here soon...)
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