Not how I usually leave the house, but I went to a venue were the dress code was black-and-white and I dressed somewhat according to the theme of the night which was burlesuqe in the 1920's. (Sometimes I wonder if you could dress in all-grey to such a dresscode. Grey is still after all, black and white. Yes, very very funny heh.) It's nice with a little change every now and then.
Anyway, I get a lot of e-mails from nice people asking me about vintage fashion and where to be able to find things from a certain decade. Yes, I prefer vintage both from an aesthetic, ecological (and partly also economical) point of view, and it's great if you actually come across clothes from a certain decade/style that inspires your dressing. But I don't think the year a garment was produced really is that important in the end, since the final look mostly depens on the whole - your acessories, you makeup, your hairdo. You could easily make a dress form the say sixties look like it was from the twenties if you use the right detials (this is just an exapme. I'm not saying a psychedelic patterned dress will do the trick but I guess you get my point). And of course the more classical and timeless a piece of clothing is, the more versatile it is to adapt to different styles.
So in this case my actual clothing wasn't really that much 1920's at all (wearing a shirt from H&M bought last year), but I still think I managed to create a look that would clearly be seen as inspired by that deacade - smokey eyes and small pointy lips, pinned hair (built the same way as here but by rolling the curls in another direction, downwards instead) and drop-shaped earrings.

(If you want more details of the hair or makeup you can click the image bigger as usual)
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