I wake up with a hangover quite often, due to the fact that I, um, go out quite a lot.
So, I'm most definitely no good example for anyone ok.
But if you happen to wake up all fatigued and toxicated from the night before you might aswell make the best of the day after!
Instead of just ordering pizza why not make yourself pancakes.
I had a lot of them wiht black currants and honey while listening to some of my fav songs from the 40's.

Then, wear something nice and leave the house!
I took my bike and decided to go somewhere in my neighbourhood I hadn't been before.

I biked around Hermanni which is just a bit further away from where I live. It's quite idyllic, you would never know you're under fifteen minutes or seven-eight tram stops away from the centre...

Behind this hill you can see the sea.

(Hermanni isn't all peaches and cream though, the red building behind the trees in the picture above is atually a rather heavy-duty prison.)
Later I went to meet the girls from our burlesque group project for milkshakes (mintchocloate milkshake! I love it!), music- and outfit planning. That's always so inspiring!
Then I biked home, very happy I decied not to just stay in bed all day :)