There's been an awful lot of pictures just on me in this blog lately.
(Um, well ok, this is my blog yes, but a little variation is always good, right?)
And since I have lot's of gorgeus friends and two lovely sisters all with their own great style I thought I'd give them a little space here too. First up is my younger sister C. She can sometimes be very girlie with hair extensions, flowing skirts and all made up nails but sometimes she's quite the tomboy. C has freckles and very red hair ( although she has been colouring it lighter for years). In a way we don't look the same at all, but in a way we do. People can still always tell we are sisters!
I have no idea what she is wearing in the pick but it's cute anyway.
She's going to kill me now for putting this here but I think this is an awsome pick, us in 1985 or -86, before our youngest sister was born:

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