But that doensn't mean it can't still be a lot of fun - I mean, if you've got to do it, you're not only gonna do it but you've got to overdo it!

So,first we started out with sushi and a lot of wine.

Then we went to see you-know-what-movie...

And then we went for drinks.
Alexandra has cinderella-like shoes. She is alwyas so stylish and can pull of any bling bling anytime, anywhere so well.

K always looks like a bag of sweet pastel coloured candy; this time wearing a IVANA Helsinki skirt and a Hanna Sarén bag.

Jen is just so fabulous, here wearing a self-customized vintage dress and selfmade jacket. She's a fashion designer and has just moved back here after some time in Milan, but more about her later in this blog then...

I love the colour combination of the other K's nails, ring and blouse.

The ones of us that are not married or pregnant or live in the suburbs went out for even more drinks and dance and it was all worht the headache the next day!

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