Saturday 14 January 2012


Yesterday I was filming a short movie.

It was shot in an old movie theatre.

And also in this one here!

On film, not digital.

The day was not totally without misfortunes,  first, my co-actor had, umm... disappeared and a replacement had to be found real quick. And the the "old lady" (as the car was called) did not really like the very cold weather and decided to stop by the road every once in a while.

The sound man in the snowstorm. Dressed for the weather. I was dressed for the film and had to be outside a lot too, which was less nice... (Although the jacket I wore was very nice - nice and thin... I had SO much on underneath!)

Me in the theatre. (Btw I never really got the thing when make up artists decide to only dot a little mascara on the upper lashes and leave the lower ones bare. It happens a lot. Although they probably know more about what they're doing than I. But I feel very naked without lashes made BIG. )

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