Sunday 8 January 2012


This Sunday I drove Eddi to the airport; he went for a conference in Iceland. Spent my day going to an art exhibition with K and listening to Elvis. But before all this I engaged my husband in the very important and giving activity of taking outfit pictures.

(I look super pregnant here but is really only is the pose, I am still not due before June.)

The important activity of outfit-posing is not made easier by two posing-eager cats. But maybe funnier.

I have had to buy some new clothes. Or, so far only this one made it to my wardrobe as I haven't foudn anything else that pleases my eye in the stores over here. But thanks to the good ol' internet I won't have to succumb to just leggings and trendy tunics for later in spring. As you may recall, most of my clothing is non-stretchy and cut in at the waist. Not comfy with a little bump and extra fluff. Not wearable actually. Apart from a few items, most things started feeling uncomfortable right away, due to many reasons. One being the fact that my ribcage, yes, not breast but ribcage, grew right away (hmpf); I couldn't fasten the zipper in many dresses without feeling stuffed and uneasy.

This here is not a maternity dress though but an a-line dress I found (at Seppälä) and bought in one size bigger than usually. It has lots of room, but the lining underneath is actually not that roomy, so I might have to cut it up and alter it at some point.

The shoes are my Melissas and the cardigan an H&M-one from a few years back.

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