In January, at the last PV event I attended, I was given a press pass after someone read my previous blog post reviewing the Premiere Vision print trends. This allowed me to take photos at the event and do a more thorough review(if you didn't see it originally you check it out here. After this Premiere Vision post, regrettably my blogging went downhill, became less frequent and I think you could definitely tell that I was becoming both frustrated and disenchanted with putting so much effort into writing a blog and creating moodboards that very few people saw. I very nearly quit blogging altogether. Then I reminded myself that I love writing. I love researching beautiful printed textiles. I love hearing peoples' trend predictions, learning the reasoning behind them and seeing them come to fruition. Above all else I love making fashion relevant to those who aren't interested in it and view it as unnecessary. That's it for the colour trends of Spring/Summer 2016. As you can see above there's quite a huge range on next season's colour palette- black, white and neutrals are still present and popular but bright colours are back(finally!!!) Hopefully I will have another trend post done by the end of the week,although my laptop seems to be fighting against me at the moment.
One of my favourite parts of the Premiere Vision events is attending the WGSN trend seminars. Although I do have a WGSN account and can view their trend predictions online, hearing the trend forecasters present and explain the background and inspiration for each new trend is incomparable to reading a brief trend outline on the internet.
So, despite not having been to the most recent Premiere Vision event, I have been able to look at the trend predictions for Autumn/Winter 2016 on the WGSN website and have decided to create some trend prediction boards anyway.
I have changed some of the trend names and have left out an 'old masters florals' trend as it isn't one I am in support of, but the majority of the trend names are exactly the same.
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