I don't like to tease or back-comb my hair. When setting my hair with curls it gets enough volume for what I normally am after, but sometimes when I want something more of a bouffant I go for hair fills rather than teasing. But not all hair fills are the perfect solution either, as I often feel my hair keeps sliding off or forming gaps in the middle.

But you can of course also get some volume into your hairdo by how you choose to lay your hair - this sideway-swirl-do gives some height by itself. You can then add to it by using just a little fill (which also makes securing the 'do eaiser) that will stay well in place.
We'll get back to the how-to in another post really soon, along with a good hint for a light and easy hair fill. But - if you'd like to learn how to roll it live, plus get some other small tips and trix when it comes to different vintage inspired do's, I am throwing a 2-part vintage inspired hairstyling workshop next weekend!
The workshop is held in our studio in Lauttasaari on Friday evening (the 13th) and on Saturday the 14th in the day with setting the hair in the evening and brushing it out and making hairdo's the next day- fancy hair for Valentines Day! Held in Finnish, also English or Swedish if needed. See the event page for more info and how to sign up: Set those curls & style your locks!
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