I'm the kind of person who likes to stretch my holidays and celebrations to make them last as long trough the season as possible. I find it totally alright with christmas lights and mulled wine in mid November already (not yet though, damn it!) and enjoy my gingerbreads a few weeks into the new year too. Or, in the case of Halloween (which isn't that big of a deal over here really, but one of my favs of the year); I get a great reason to put up lights and lanterns now already without being a total Christmas geek about it. Plus, with the actual day being in the middle of the week this year, one is given two weekends to celebrate it!
So, we spent our Halloween this weekend already. When it is dark and gloomy outside -like it should- the best thing to do is put up lots of lanterns and lights, make a bunch of good food and some awsome people come over!

A werewolf-spiderweb moment.
My mini skeleton.
Building burgers.

My tofu-avocado burger.

Lots of cakes (and wine) later on in the night.
And here's some music to go for your Halloween mood: Hell of a Halloween!
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