Cake time!
This is one of those yummier-than-you'd-thinkcakes. I remember my mom making something similar to this a lot at our summer cottage in the archipelago when I was a kid; it's easy to make and you can do it out of basically any fruit or berries. I personally think the best result comes from using something sour, at least partly. I basically just make a basic sockerkaka (sponge cake) ; the version with no butter (or oil), add the fruit and then put thin slices of butter and sprinkle sugar on top. You can do it in a regular cake mold; I did mine here in a rather small but deep pan.
I use a bit less sugar for the batter than what the regular sponge cakes usually have, and as usual blend regular white flour with spelt flour.
This cake consisted of:
4 ecological eggs, fluffed with- 3 dl sugar, blended with - 4 dl of mixed flours - about 1dl of milk - 2 large teaspoons of baking powder and a hint of vanilla sugar.
I sliced three peaches and added a coffee cup of red wineberries and black currants that I picked in the garden. They are not ready yet, but I really wanted some, so I scanned the bushes for those few berries that were ripe - got just enough!

And, cold butter sliced in thin pieces over the cake. This is easily done with a cheese slicer. I sprinkle brown sugar over it, perhaps two tablespoons all together, depending on thee size of your mold of course (my brown sugar had gone hard so I used the slicer for that too - works well!). Then it's overn time until the cake looks ready. As I did mine in a pan it was thus rather thin and was done in about 25 minutes.

Alright, off to make your cake now and serve it with something white! Ice cream is always a good choice.
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