Here's where we started out!
Or, not started really, but at around 14 weeks. Look! I look so tiny!
(And yes, I still fit in the same dress - although it might be ruined for future use now... )
In the end I did not get that many dresses for maternity. Not that I planned to either. But I actually got even less. Most of the pieces I purchased are such that they can be worn "normally" too (as in are not labelled as mommy-clothing). I got a couple of vintage dresses too, apart from the old ones ones my mother gave me. And then I had one made, plus made a few myself. I have another dress coming up still, but I'm making it with a flatter belly and belted waist in mind.
Otherwise I've gotten by by the few looser pieces I had myself and by buying a couple of maternity long sleeved tees and two very stretchy, very useful black skirts. Plus a whole lot of stockings and leggings. The H&M Mama leggings are comfy, but of really crappy quality - they all get holes in the groin after some use. And if you wear them just like that, like I do, with rumpan bar, you go trough quite many.
I had a few ideas of comfy-but-pretty pieces to get from some Etsy shops, but never got around to do it. Well, there is still about a month left, but I have realized I will not be pregnant forever. So I think I'll save those for the next time. Will there be one, that is.
(And checking back as it is May, do I still think it's fun to dress up -referring to this comment here-? Kind of, yes :)

When it comes to shoes I've been wearing my normal ones, mostly the mid heeled ones. I bought some flats, but they are actually less comfy than the ones with some height. I added some extra padded soles for the ballerinas and have now been wearing those too. The higher heels have been waiting for later in my closet though.
So far my feet have not swollen at all, but we'll see how these last weeks go, now that the weather is also warmer. Although I've gained weight I've still been moving around, going swimming and so on, so perhaps they won't swell up. But I almost hope they would a little, as I have a pair of wedges I got with pregnancy in mind that are a little bit too big for me to wear comfortably :D
At home I walk around in my ugly but oh so needed yoga slippers (with acupunctural beads); my feet use to ache a lot normally too, and now they really need the pressure spots the slippers give.

I've been using a lot of natural oils and lotions -virgin coconut oil, almond and jojoba oil, organic belly butter - for my belly. Pretty much oils I use everyday for al-round use too, plus some especially meant for pregnancy. In the beginning I also used Decubal form the pharmacy, as mom said it has liposomes that help to avoid marks. So far I've also managed to avoid those much talked about stretch marks. On my belly, that is. My legs have taken the heaviest burden here though, as it seems most kilos have settled on the thighs. Typical; thanks a lot genes, that's the hardest place for me to get rid of squish. Should've seen it coming...
I thought of that being pregnant from autumn to summer in a country with big changes in the seasons is perhaps the hardest nine months clothing wise - my belly was big during late winter, cold spring, warmer spring and now summer, requiring difrerent pieces of clothing. Would it have grow from say April to September it would be easier to fix the wardrobe, as the temperature nor conditions vary that drastically (as in, no snow). Not that I'm complaining, just sayin'.
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