Up here in Scandinavia we've handed out most of our Christmas gifts already; we do that on Christmas Eve. But I know in many other places there are still gifts under the tree and hanging in the stockings. And I actually hand out quite many gifts -to friends and family I haven't had the time to see before- during what we call "the in-between days"; the days between the Christmas days and New Year's celebration. Here are some last minute tips for those who still might need it, and why not for just any other occasion too.
...I planned to post this yesterday already but I was at work (yes, on Christmas Eve and today and tomorrow too, ships leave all the fxxxing time) and there were no breaks in between to blog so let's do it now instead - I at least have many things coming up related to the holidays....
You know I think the wrapping or packing is almost half the fun. By putting the gift in a pretty box with a ribbon it's kind of like giving two gifts in one. I mean I for one love small pretty boxes to store all the stuff I have lying around everywhere. The contents do not even have to be that special to feel a lot fancier; socks, a pocket book, cookies, candles... you know, just whatever small and nice.

Or then jar it. You can give away just anything small in a jar to make it more interesting, lip balm and fake lashes for example, hair pins, those socks again. Or cute patterned cupcake molds or small candles. And of course, what works for almost everyone; sweets. Gingerbreads. If your short of time (or money), just buy some ready made of one kind or make your own mix. It still feels a lot nicer and more personal in different packing. Or, if you have the time ,make your own sweets. Just note that if money is an object and you want to make many different kinds it can actually get quite costy.

Not that I have had that much time on my hands, but I managed to make truffles, saffron toffee and white chocolate pralines. Want to make something yourself and get away easily? Melt some chocolate, add a little cream and butter or some fruit juice or coconut oil depending on if and what you have at home, and spice it with Christmassy spices - cinammon, ginger, clover and / or chardamom. Add dried fruit in mall pieces or chopped nuts if you have any around. Pour into praline molds or let cool and roll into balls and wrap in basic folio, or cut into chunks.
Fill your jar and tie a ribbon into a bow around it!
Another nice thing to give, especially to someone with kids, is to jar a recipe for a cake or cookies. Put the ingredients in the jar; last to be added to the dough first and the first last. Remember to add the rising agent to the flour. Write down the instructions and what needs to be added (usually butter and eggs) on a card and there you have it!
Enjoy the rest of your holidays!