In other matters not. I get eager as an annoying child when I can't get what I want immediately.
This pretty much only applies to matters concerning things at home; decorating and fixing things. I can't stand to have things at home half done or waiting to be done (we are not talking about dishes or a messy study-desk here, ehrm, those can take their time)... There are few things more annoying like not having enough glue to finnish something of, purchasing an itme of wrong measurements, lacking the right screwes or a packing missing a piece. Uh!
We have had to wait for an item ordered by a carpenter for ages and now we finally received an important part of the kitchen!
The shelf:

We renewed the kitchen totally during our renovation; making it according to the old kitchen, looking pretty much the same, only with new fresh and functional surfaces and equipment. I was tempted to order my kitchen from Kvänum, this one, but the price was so ridiculously high I couldn't bare to go trough with it. Instead we went with basic, timeless pieces but spiced them up with details; like using the old handles from the original kitchen. And ordering the rest from a carpenter according to our own wishes. It turns out more affordable that way, you get to support a craftsman and get things the way you like them.
I'm still waiting for the long wooden handles for the drawers though. Things will be a lot easier around the kitchen when they arrive :)
Our home is getting closer to getting ready and it feels great.
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