I get lucky with bags. Always.
If I go to a thrift store or flea market or wherever and find nothing of interest I still always find a couple of good bags. I am like the mountain when it comes to bags and purses, they go all Muhammed and come to me. (I'm also really good at metaphores don't you think?)
Last week I wrote about
newly found shoes, this week it's about newly found or received bags. (They also happen to go very well with the new shoes, all of them).

This bag is a new favorite of mine, I think it's just amazing! Stumbled upon it on a quick pop-by at UFF one day at town. I'm in love with it's details.

My grandparents recently moved out of their flat (this
might have a connection with my mint green Smeg to be
*hint hint*) and my grandmother handed me this bag she'd dug out of her closet when Eddi and I stopped by for coffee. You know all like "oh hey btw here you go, have this" and I go "well yes please". Yes please indeed! (The polka dot pencil skirt is made for me by
Olivia Rouge.)

This hand made beautiful feathered clutch is a gift from
LouLou Bontemps. Isn't is pretty? You may remember me mentioning her purses
earlier here.
(The velvet evening gown is from the thirties, also an 'I am the mountain thing' as it was
just handed to me. You've seen it on me in our
Atelieri Haapala Halloween portait.)
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